Government Is Not The Enemy

Ronnie Rodeo lied to us.

Related Topics: Why We Fight; Enemies; Ronnie Rodeo; Der Don; More Human Rights For More Human Beings

This was one of the many lies we were told by Ronnie Rodeo.    
He told us that government is our enemy.

Now I talk a lot about Ronnie Rodeo in many of my videos.  He was president between 1981 and 1989. 
Ronnie started the Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution from which we are still suffering. 
He represented the interests of wealthy corporations and aristocracies, who helped him get elected so he could increase their power and wealth and start the process of retracting human rights.

Now the main way he did that was by promulgating laws and regulations which were favorable to his employers.

But another very powerful and somewhat less direct – – – part of his Reactionary Rapepublican Revolutionary message was to try to convince the American people that government is evil.

Even though he was acting as the chief executive of our government, Ronnie kept telling us that we couldn't trust it.   

The implication was that other institutions, (specifically the economic institutions which had hired him to deliver this message) were more deserving of our trust.
A complete lie!

Now they had been trying to sell this message that government is evil for quite some time. But it had been a tough sell with the American people. 
In the 1930s, government had ameliorated the horrors of the Great Depression 
(which of course had been caused by corporations and aristocracies).

In the 1940s the United States government marshaled the resources of the economy and the military to defeat obvious evils within the world both East and West.

In the 1950s through infrastructure and education projects the government dramatically raised the standard of living of most American citizens. What is left of our public universities and our transportation network is the result of that effort, -------
and if it had been continued we would be so much better off today.

In the 1960s and 70s, despite some stupid Imperial escapades on the world stage, the government advanced civil rights and medical care while continuing to invest in education and infrastructure.

So, against all the good that government had done during the lifetimes of American citizens who voted in the 1980 election, 
it was a pretty tough sell to convince us that government was evil. 

But just like his successors today, Ronnie stirred up hatred and exclusionism to help deliver his message. 
He was much more subtle about it than der don, but the message was clear to those for whom it was intended, and invisible to those who might reject it.

Now Ronnie benefited from some painful economic adjustments which we were facing in the latter part of the 1970s. 
Much about the industrial and international strategy which the United States government and especially the United States economy had been following was becoming unsustainable.  

Now the resources did exist to solve the economic problem, but it would have required creativity and long-range planning on the part of our economic institutions. 
Unfortunately those economic institutions were dominated by the very corporate and aristocratic forces supporting Ronnie; and simply were not up to the monumental task which they were confronting.

As at other times in our history when painful adjustments are necessary, which business and capital are incapable of imagining and executing – – – this was a time when government, and academia, needed to lead the way.

But that would have entailed some cession of power by the corporations and aristocracies controlling business capital.

Their solution was to fight back. Ronnie was their leading weapon. If they could take control of federal and state government, they could squash the efforts to respond to the crisis with effective government and academic efforts.

Since some might see what they were doing and resist, a part of the message was that government is evil and academics don't know as much as they think they do.

And the amazing thing is, that almost 4 decades later, both of those things are true.

Government, on both the state and federal level is now controlled by cabals of corporations and clubs of aristocracies. And it is doing much evil.

Academic institutions are forcing their students into crippling lifelong debt in order to receive a fundamental education. Or just taking their money and not even bothering to educate them. A perfect example being Trump University.

So cabals of corporations and clubs of aristocracies which supported Ronnie Rodeo taking over our government have accomplished a self-fulfilling prophecy. They said government was evil. And they have proven it to be true.

But government is not intrinsically evil. As a matter of fact government is the only institution that can challenge the power all those corporations and aristocracies. 

They still fear it. That is why they continue to go to such great lengths to get us to believe that government is evil.

In this country, government is founded upon the principles of the Declaration of Independence and structured by the Constitution. 
And it is still a Republican Democracy.   It derives it's power from the consent of the people.

They have tried to make us believe that the corporations are persons. But they are not. And they still don't have the vote.

And they have tried to engineer it so only candidates supported by and beholden to wealthy aristocracies and corporations can get elected. 
But both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump proved that that was not true.

For most of our history as a nation, government has been a force for good; 
For progress; 
For expansion of human rights. 
-----   It can be so again.

We must reverse all of the tenants of Ronnie Rodeo's Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution. 
Including the big lie that government is intrinsically evil. 
And we can do that by electing people who will make government a force for good again in this great nation.

Counterrevolution now.

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