Love; Not Hate
Related Topics: Enemies; Der Don; More Human Rights For More Human Beings
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin want us to hate each other. If humanity is divided into groups of people who hate each other, dictators flourish. If the people of the United States of America are divided into groups that hate each other, our Democratic Republic can be replaced by a dictatorship. Not all Democrats are good and not all Republicans are bad. But if you are voting in an election where one candidate is preaching love and the other hate; Or if one is preaching hope and the other fear; the choice is clear. Let's make this the election in which we reject fear, anger and hatred; and save the American dream for our children and grandchildren.
Americans Reject Dictatorship
Related Topics: Enemies; Der Don; More Human Rights For More Human Beings
this election is different. our democratic republic is at stake. So I'd like to see a few words to my conservative Republican friends and neighbors. It's no secret that my political ideas are mostly somewhat left of center at least as the American system is currently aligned. You and I may not agree about certain elements of taxing policy. We may not agree when it comes to government regulation of economic entities, environmental policy, all sorts of things. But we are all patriotic American citizens. I think we can agree that the ideas on which this country was founded: free citizens, created equal endowed by their creator with unalienable human rights. And a government, made up of people we elect, who's main job is to keep secure for us our freedom and human rights. Now I've been voting for a long time. Sometimes I vote for the person. And sometimes I vote for the person's ideas. And occasionally I vote for the political party. But I've usually been able to assume that whoever I vote for (or choose not to vote for) is a patriotic American who believes in our system, and who will (if elected) faithfully adhere to their oath to the Constitution. So if my candidate loses, I know the government will still be in good hands. And there will be another election soon in which my candidate will have a fair chance to get elected. Well this year, for the first time in my life, that is no longer true. Donald Trump has made it clear that he does not believe in our system. When he lost an election two years ago he tried to take over our government by force. Whether or not you agree with the policies of his administration, that's not the way we do things. And when his attempted coup didn't work, he ordered his administration not to cooperate in facilitating a smooth transition to the next. That's not the way we do things. And now he is making it clear that if he ever becomes president again he will make sure that he can never lose an election in the future. That's not the way we do things. This year, and probably in 2024, the choice is clear. If you vote for a Democrat, or a non-Trump Republican, or a libertarian, or a green, or whatever, you will probably be voting (as we always have) for a patriotic American. But if you vote for anyone who supports Donald Trump you will be voting for someone who supports an anti-American dictatorship. Right now we are in crisis. Right now I hope every patriotic American, what ever their politics, will join me in voting against the Don and his Dictatorship. And then once this crisis is passed, and our Democratic Republic is restored, we can go back to the free and fair contest of ideas --- -- voting for whichever candidate we think will best protect our freedoms and human rights and provide a better life for ourselves and our children and grandchildren. ---- but knowing that even if that candidate looses, the country will still be in good, patriotic hands.
Don The Con
Related Topics: Enemies; Der Don; More Human Rights For More Human Beings
Dictator Don is a Big Fat Con Dictator Don isn't really a businessman. but he has conned a lot of bankers into thinking he is. Dictator Don doesn't worship any God other than money power and his own ego..but he has conned a lot of Christians into believing he does. And there is no way that Dictator Don is a Patriotic American. He doesn't even have a clue what a Democratic Republic is. His way of succeeding in the real estate business was to lie, cheat and steal from his lenders, his partners, his tenants, and even the government. His way of obtaining political power was to lie, cheat, and steal from his supporters. And when, in spite of all the lying, cheating and stealing, he lost an election, his way of trying to hold onto power was not only to lie, cheat and steal but also to stir up a gang of thugs to try to intimidate the Congress into letting him retain power. But that's not all. When he couldn't hold on to power, he did everything he could to handicap the next administration and stole from the White House everything of value he thought he can get away with. Dictator Don ran his business like a Mafia family. No one but the Don had any real power. The Don controlled his subordinates through intimidation. The Don required everyone to believe unquestioningly any lie that came out of his mouth. Dictator Don ran the White House like can absolute monarchy. No one but the Dictator had any real power. The Dictator controlled his subordinates through intimidation. The Dictator required everyone to believe unquestioningly any lie that came out of his mouth. And in both cases he was only in it for personal wealth and power. When a business deal went bankrupt he made sure that he got out of it with as much of a value as possible and that his lenders and business associates were left holding the bag. When he couldn't hold on to the White House any longer. He did exactly the same thing. I've got to admit that Dictator Don is really really good at one thing. He's a big fat, but very talented and successful con. And in this case, when I say con I mean confidence artist. He's good at telling lies and getting people to believe them. And like any really talented confidence artist, he can even get people to pretend to themselves that they believe things they know are not really true. Dictator Don is amazingly good at that. But I think, at least I hope, that he has finally stretched out his con to far. His lies are becoming ever more obvious and his behavior more bizarre. It looks like his spell may be wearing off, even though it is very difficult for people who have been conned to accept the fact that they were gullible. Even the most successful confidence artist must know when to hold them and when to fold them. And right now, he's in too deep to fold. Let's convict the big fat Con of a at least few of his many crimes. The term "con" can also mean convict. Now it is time to put the big fat con where he belongs – – – in a small dark prison cell.