Americans Are Angry

Related Topics: Why We Fight; Enemies; Ronnie Rodeo; Der Don; “9 Point Agenda For Counter-Revolution”

I am an American and I am angry. 
If you are an American you are probably angry too. 

You might think you are angry because the person in the White House is not the person that you voted for 
and he's doing things that you don't believe are in the best interest of this country 
Well you're right.
And your anger is justified.

Or You may be angry because the person in the White House is the one you voted for 
and you voted for him because you believed that your country had been stolen from you by evil un-American forces and he promised to get it back. 
But it looks like the evil forces are standing in his way and preventing him from keeping his promise. 

Well,  you're right -- you do have a real good reason to be angry.

Now the fact is that the man in the White House is a con man and he doesn't care about America. 
But even though he is a con man, he was telling us the truth --- America was stolen. 

And the people voted for him had the right idea. Because the only way to get it back is by electing people who:
* number one - believe in the American dream, 
* number two - understand who the enemies are, and 
* number three - are committed to using the power of government to restore the American dream, the American promise.

Now of course the conman understands this.  
So the logical thing for him  would have been to identify the enemies,
 encourage you to hate them, 
and promise that he would defeat them.

Well of course problem here is that he is one of the enemies. 
He is a member of the team which is stolen the American dream. 
He does not want to betray his team, 
indeed what he has wanted his whole life is to become a more important and acknowledged member of that team.

you see
The real enemies are not people of a different color or those speak a different language. 
The real enemies are not people who profess a different religion. 
The real enemies are not poor people. 
The real enemies are not people who simply want to be part of the great American people and contribute to this experiment in order to create a better life for their grandchildren and for ours.

The real enemies are large wealthy powerful corporations. 
And they are large wealthy powerful aristocracies.

There are human beings who run the corporations and human beings who work for the corporations. 
There are human beings who are members of the aristocracies. 
But it is not the humans who are the enemy is the institutions.
and that is a very important fact.

One of the interesting things about the conman is that he doesn't understand this. 
He is a member of a minor aristocracy. 
And he is the primary owner of a moderately large corporation. 
but he confuses these institutions with his own person.
He thinks the aristocracy and the corporation are himself. 

So course even if he wanted to identify the real enemy he wouldn't be able to. He's blind. He cannot see the aristocracies and the corporations.

But that doesn't really matter. His only motivation is what he perceives to be his own self interest.

And he's even wrong about that.

Now the enemy, the aristocracies and corporations which own the American government and much of the world economy, recognize the con man for what he is. 

They didn't really want him to become president.
But, when it looked like he might have a chance of winning, they jumped on board his campaign and got as many as possible old their minions in position to advise and assist him. 
That's why so much of what he has done in office has been to the benefit of the corporations and aristocracies who own the American government.

Those aristocracies to corporations which we could refer to as the domestic enemies of the American dream actually came late to the party. The con man had already been recognized and co-opted by foreign enemies of the American dream.

Czar Vlad had recognized the potential in the con man and proceeded to do him favors and placed his minions within the circle that ultimately surrounded the con man as he made his move to take power. Some of those were shed over time but some are still trusted advisers to the conman.

So many of the conman's actions, though neutral or even contrary to the agenda of the domestic enemies of the American dream are very much in the interests of foreign enemies, especially Czar Vlad.

But of course the job of a con man is to miss-direct our attention while he is stealing us blind. And that is what is happening.

if you're angry because you love him then he has misdirected your hatred and in blamed it against other humans. and you are blind to what he is actual we doing. 

If you are angry because you hate him then he has misdirected your hatred to himself and the people who do believe in him.   And he has made you blind. 

And while we are all blind with misdirected hatred, these three things are happening:

1)  The American dream is being stolen by domestic enemies – –. 
2)  The American team is being destroyed by foreign enemies, primarily Czar Vlad.

3)  The conman is using old-fashioned corruption on a heretofore unimagined scale to destroy our faith in ourselves and our government while he takes as much as he can for himself.

We have every right to be angry. 
But unfortunately most of us are directing our anger in the wrong direction.

wake up america.  
let's see the con man for what he is and get behind a leader who whats to fight our real enemies!

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