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Related Topics: Human Society; More Human Rights For More Human Beings

What are geniuses? 
They are not, at least as I am using the term, some kind of rare exotic humans. They are also not people who happen to do well on a particular kind of meaningless brain test.

They are – humans who make a unique and important contribution to any one of these areas:
    the advancement of human knowledge, technology, society, communication, etc.
    the understanding of the human condition
art, literature, etc.

human beings who contribute something significant which it seems no one else would've been able to do.
Now all humans are unique. In fact all humans are potential geniuses.

Albert Einstein, who should know something about genius,
said "everybody is a genious. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid".
What the man is telling us is that every human brain is unique.

We are like snowflakes, each one different, each one special.
Everyone except identical twins is born with a genetically unique brain.
But that's just the starting point, our brains start evolving in the womb and continue until death.
Each one just keeps getting more and more special.
A genius is just the right snowflake; at the right place; at the right time in human history.

A unique brain is the starting point.
But genius will only manifest itself
1) if that brain occurs in the right place --- location in geography and location and time
2) if that brain has the right platform to stand on, the training, including learning from past geniuses.
And 3) if that brain has the right positioning, the means to communicate and an audience who will listen.

Every brain is a genius.
But that genius is only realized if it finds itself with the right place, platform, and positioning.
With that in mind, let's think about some examples of genius.
Confucius, Leonardo DaVinci,
Louis Armstrong, Sigmund Freud,
Adolf Hitler – – – even Donald Trump.
Unique brain, place, platform, positioning – – – you get the idea.
And of course the majority of geniuses go unrealized. Place, platform and positioning can be tricky.

William Shakespeare's genius would not have been realized had he not left Stratfford
and been fortunate enough to arrive in London at a time when there was a thriving theater scene and a reasonably well-educated audience to appreciate his work.

Albert Einstein was a German Jew. What if he had been born 40 years later? Wrong place!
No theory of relativity.
Prejudice and exclusionism always limit the potential for realized geniuses.

Now although I've mentioned some contrary examples, most geniuses are good for society.
They advance civilization.
We would like to have as many as possible.
So how might we go about that?
Here's a suggestion:
let's provide an educational experience which gives geniuses the best chance of emerging and finding their special niche.
What happens between birth and age 20 makes all the difference.
I do have some suggestions about how to improve our education system. Some are in my video “Education; Fund It, Fix It, Make It Fair”.

It is important that we provide genius-building educational opportunities to as many people as possible.
Think of how many unrealized geniuses have withered for a lack of education.

A perfect example of limitations on education is sexism.
Have you noticed that in the list of geniuses I mentioned there were no women?
That is not because women are less likely to be geniuses, but simply because we have designed society in such a way as to limit the realization of a woman geniuses.
Indeed, some like Abigail Adams and Marie Curie could only have their geniuses realized because they happen to have unique husbands.

Another example of limitations which society places on the development of geniuses is the existence of aristocracies. I have much to say about that another videos, including the one called "aristocracies are anti-American".

But another limitation which may not be as readily apparent is that geniuses rarely emerge among a population whose basic human needs are not met.
The myth of the starving artist is greatly over-rated.
All humans, but especially children need to have their physiological needs met before they are able to develop their minds properly.
We all need food, clothing, clean air and water, shelter, safety, a sense of belonging, and self-esteem.
To the degree that, for any in our society, those needs are not met we are wasting potential geniuses.

What we are talking about here are human rights. And if you have seen any of my other videos, you must be aware of my contention that "more human rights for more human beings" is the single most important element in the success of the United States and the hope of humanity.
It is a super-charger on the engine of civilization.
In a society where basic needs are met and human rights are protected, geniuses and entrepreneurs proliferate.
Young people with new ideas have resources to try them out. Many fail, but it is a learning experience and they are not destroyed by that failure.
And some succeed spectacularly.
Potential geniuses are being born every minute, all over the world.
We need to start getting more of them realized.

Every human brain is unique and a potential genius.
All it needs is education which encourages and develops its unique talent,
Place, Platform, Positioning,
and a society in which basic human needs are met and human rights are protected.
Let's grow more geniuses!

Americans Reject Dictatorship

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Related Topics: EnemiesDer DonMore Human Rights For More Human Beings

this election is different.
our democratic republic is at stake.

So I'd like to see a few words to my conservative Republican friends and neighbors.
It's no secret that my political ideas are mostly somewhat left of center at least as the American system is currently aligned.
You and I may not agree about certain elements of taxing policy. We may not agree when it comes to government regulation of economic entities, environmental policy, all sorts of things.

But we are all patriotic American citizens.
I think we can agree that the ideas on which this country was founded:
free citizens,
   created equal
   endowed by their creator with unalienable human rights.
And a government,
   made up of people we elect,
   who's main job is to keep secure for us our freedom and human rights.

Now I've been voting for a long time. Sometimes I vote for the person. And sometimes I vote for the person's ideas. And occasionally I vote for the political party.
But I've usually been able to assume that whoever I vote for (or choose not to vote for) is a patriotic American who believes in our system, and who will (if elected) faithfully adhere to their oath to the Constitution.
So if my candidate loses, I know the government will still be in good hands.
And there will be another election soon in which my candidate will have a fair chance to get elected.

Well this year, for the first time in my life, that is no longer true.
Donald Trump has made it clear that he does not believe in our system.

When he lost an election two years ago he tried to take over our government by force.
Whether or not you agree with the policies of his administration, that's not the way we do things.

And when his attempted coup didn't work, he ordered his administration not to cooperate in facilitating a smooth transition to the next.
That's not the way we do things.

And now he is making it clear that if he ever becomes president again he will make sure that he can never lose an election in the future.
That's not the way we do things.

This year, and probably in 2024, the choice is clear.
If you vote for a Democrat, or a non-Trump Republican, or a libertarian, or a green, or whatever, you will probably be voting (as we always have) for a patriotic American.
But if you vote for anyone who supports Donald Trump you will be voting for someone who supports an anti-American dictatorship.

Right now we are in crisis.
Right now I hope every patriotic American, what ever their politics, will join me in voting against the Don and his Dictatorship.

And then once this crisis is passed, and our Democratic Republic is restored,
we can go back to the free and fair contest of ideas ---
-- voting for whichever candidate we think will best protect our freedoms and human rights and provide a better life for ourselves and our children and grandchildren.
---- but knowing that even if that candidate looses, the country will still be in good, patriotic hands.

Democracy is in Danger, Patriots Arise

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Now is the time for all good patriots to come to the aid of their country.

This great nation was founded by some people with a radically new and exciting idea.
That all human beings are created equal.
That we all possess certain unalienable human rights.
And that government's main job is to secure those human rights for all the people.

And they knew that the only way to make such a government work was to educate the citizenry, make sure they had accurate and honest information, and let them choose the people would make the laws and operate the government.

And it's been working more or less as intended for about 2 1/2 centuries.

The founders did not expect or want us to coalesce into two political parties. But that's what happened and most of the time it has worked out pretty well.

But recently one of our political parties has gone rogue.
Today's trumpist rapepublicans do not believe that we were all created equal.
Today's trumpist rapepublicans want to take away our hard-won human rights.
Today's trumpist rapepublicans believed that government's main job should be to make sure wealthy corporations and aristocrats are free to plunder and exploit the people.

So they have flooded the media with grotesque propaganda, hoping to con as many people as possible into believing one of several false ideologies. And then they set about finding ways to keep people who did not buy into their anti-democratic program from being able to vote.

And when, in spite of all these shenanigans, they lost the last election they tried to take over our government by violence and make the outgoing president into a lifetime dictator.

Well, that didn't work. So they have been doubling down on their efforts to rig the election system.
(And of course, to deflect from what they are doing, they accuse the Democrats of doing something similar – – – but every time they go to court they have to admit they have no evidence.)

And they are having a lot of success in some states.
In this year's election a lot of anti-Trump votes may not be counted.
If the vast anti-Trump majority of the American people want to win by 51% in this rigged election, we will probably have to outvote the fascist rapepublicans by 65%.

Now this is not a national election.
And there will be some anti-fascist, non-Trump supporting Republicans running.

But if you are a patriotic American.
If you believe in the principles upon which this nation was founded,
get in touch with your board of election and make sure that you are still still registered to vote,
do whatever is necessary to vote:
if you're voting by mail make sure you read the instructions carefully and send your ballot in early.
If you are voting in person, make sure they haven't moved the polling place and get there early.
Stand in line as long as you have to even if you're going to miss a day of work.

And vote against any Republican who supports Donald Trump and his lying, anti-Democratic, anti-American propaganda machine.

(Show the two sides of the argument on a slide with an American flag behind it)

this election and the one in two years may be the most important in American history.
Never before has one of the two parties been so anti-demographic.

In the past American Patriots has suffered and died to defend our democracy, even when it was in less peril than it is today.

Voting, and making sure that our votes are fairly counted, will not be as easy this year as it has been in the past. But it's the least we can do to secure the blessings of democracy, human rights, freedom and prosperity for ourselves and future generations.

If the rapepublicans of Donald Trump manage to overcome the will of the people in this election, or even the one in 2024, our children and grandchildren's votes will not matter any more than those of the citizens of Nazi Germany and today's Russia.

Patriots Arise!
Democracy is in Danger.


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Related Topics: EnemiesDer DonMore Human Rights For More Human Beings

I hear a lot of people saying we don't live in a democracy we live in a republic. Well, that is just pettifoggering bullshit!

We live now ---
and we have lived for almost 2 1/2 centuries in a democratic republic.

Yes, it is a republic.
We have an organized government operating by rule of law.
The citizens as a whole do not make and enforce all the laws. We have three branches of government designed to do that.
That is a republic.

But it is a democratic republic.
We, the citizens, get to decide who will be a part of our government.
And if we don't like what they are doing we get to replace them.
That is democratic.
Our form of government is both Democratic and Republican.
It's a Democratic Republic.

Now there are other kinds of republics.
For the sake of simplicity let's refer to them as aristocratic republics.
In an aristocratic republic, the structure can look pretty much the same.
There is a government which
creates, enforces, and interprets laws.
And all citizens are required to follow those laws.
The big difference is that in an aristocratic republic, average citizens have little or no voice in their government.
The people who run the government are selected by a small group of human beings, or other entities, and only these aristocrats have any real political power.

We the people of the United States of America have established a Democratic Republic which has worked pretty well for us.

It is based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence:
All human beings are created equal.
They are endowed by their creator (not the Supreme Court) with unalienable human rights.
Government's main job is to secure those human rights.
And we the people can replace that government if we don't think it's doing its job.

For most of our history both political parties have understood that a democratic republic is the best available form of government.
And, although they have had some different ideas of how to achieve an ideal Democratic Republic, neither party has wanted to change our government into something else.

The Democratic Party has never advocated changing our government to one which is not republican.

The Republican Party has never before advocated changing our government to one which is not democratic.

But slowly, over the last 40 years, the Republican Party has been taken over by people, corporations, and other entities who want to replace our Democratic Republic with an Aristocratic Republic.

These Aristocratic Republicans don't like our form of government.
They don't believe in the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
They believe that we are inherently unequal.
They do not believe in human rights, they believe and aristocratic privileges.
They believe that governments main job is to keep the aristocracy in wealth and power.
They believe that we the people should just shut up and do as we are told.

Interestingly enough, they don't really agree amongst themselves on who the aristocracy should be,
some of them think that large corporations and other economic entities should control the government.
Some of them think that a small group of religious leaders should be telling us all what to do.
Some of them think that only people who were born into wealthy families should have any rights and privileges.
And some of them seem to actually believe that even a republic is a bad idea and we'd be better off with a dictatorship.

But they are all united in one thing.
They believe that the Declaration of Independence was wrong.
They do not believe in unalienable human rights, and they do not believe that the government's job is to protect the rights and freedoms of individual human beings.
They have been using propaganda, racism, xenophobia and a variety of corrupted institutions to get as many people as possible to vote for them in spite of their obviously anti-democratic agenda.
And they have been so successful that they are now passing laws designed to keep people who don't buy into their propaganda from having their votes counted.

We are in imminent danger of losing our Democratic Republican government.

What will come next is hard to say. If they are victorious, this Aristocratic Republican Party will split up among advocates of various different aristocracies. And no one can predict which faction will ultimately grab power.
But the one thing that will be certain at that point is that we the people will no longer have a voice in choosing who, or what, will be in charge.
And that is what the Declaration of Independence called Tyranny.

But there is a way out. We can save our Democratic Republic.
First we need to vote out of office as many of these Aristocratic Republicans as we can.

And what will happen as they lose power will not be a total victory for the Democrat Political Party and a one party state.
That is not the way it works in a Democratic Republic.
No. what will happen is that all the politicians who are left ---- those currently calling themselves “Republicans” and those currently calling themselves “Democrats” --- will coalesce into two political parties.
They may be called Democrats and Republicans, they may be called Whigs and Federalists, or they may have totally different names.

A juggling of political parties and even a reversing of their ideologies has happened before in our history. We have always ended up with two major parties advocating more or less different ideas on how to better govern our Democratic Republic.
What has not happened before, and what we must not allow to succeed, is a political party going rogue and trying to overthrow our Democratic Republic.

Until this Aristocratic Republican Party has been defeated, we all need to vote against them like our rights and freedoms and those of our children and grandchildren depend on it.
Because they do.

Political Campaigns

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This has gotten damned ridiculous.
Everywhere I look, television, Facebook, even my private email I am inundated with politicians asking me for money.
But I know that my few dollars are not going to mean very much them.
The other things I see all over the place are cheap slogans, hate speech, lies about the opposition and propaganda.
Nowhere is there an honest debate between different visions of our nation's future.
Nobody is taking the time to explain to me why electing them will enhance my human rights and create a better world for my children and grandchildren.
Why is this?
Because elections in America today are not about choosing the best civil servants to work for us in Washington, or the state capital, or wherever.
They are about money and propaganda.

Donald Trump
(who may not be the brightest human being but is really good at finding and seizing dishonest opportunities)
he figured this out. And he's been taking advantage of our broken electoral system in his effort to ruin our democracy.
Now a couple years ago, when despite all his shenanigans, the Don actually lost an election, he tried to take over our government by violence.
That didn't work, so he's gone back to taking advantage of our broken electoral system and using money and propaganda to replace our democratic system with a Trumpian dictatorship.

In another, somewhat longer video called "conduct people's campaigns" I offer some analysis of the problem with our system of elections and some solutions.

Basically the problem is:
that candidates are always Pursuing campaign funds,
Plutocracy – – the fact that large corporations and wealthy aristocrats are able to corrupt elected officials.
Purchase Price of Political speech (You have to pay a lot to get your message heard)

To fix this:
I recommend that we forbid fast starts; (limit the time of the campaign)
forcefully restore funding; (pay for it in different ways)
and facilitate free forums. (have real debates between candidates)

And of course it would be great if we could make that happen instantly but we can't. And we got an election coming up this year.
So how do you cut through all the propaganda and hate speech?
Well this year (and probably again two years from now) the choice is clear.
If we want to have free and fair elections in the future
we must overcome the unfair advantage which our broken electoral system gives potential dictators like Donald Trump and vote against any candidates who support that authoritarian vision for our future.

No matter how much money the Don spends to spread lies on television and memes on the Internet we know his plans
– – he wants to make sure that no one but himself can win any future election.
And we know his ideals ----- they are anti-democratic in anti-American.

So let's start this October by sending an overwhelming message that we want free and fair elections.
By voting against anyone who supports the Dictatorship of the Don and the Lies about his Lost eLection.
And then let's hold the next Congress responsible for fixing this broken system.

Don The Con

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Related Topics: EnemiesDer DonMore Human Rights For More Human Beings

Dictator Don is a Big Fat Con
Dictator Don isn't really a businessman.
but he has conned a lot of bankers into thinking he is.

Dictator Don doesn't worship any God other than money power and his own ego..but he has conned a lot of Christians into believing he does.

And there is no way that Dictator Don is a Patriotic American.
He doesn't even have a clue what a Democratic Republic is.

His way of succeeding in the real estate business was to lie, cheat and steal from his lenders, his partners, his tenants, and even the government.
His way of obtaining political power was to lie, cheat, and steal from his supporters.

And when, in spite of all the lying, cheating and stealing, he lost an election, his way of trying to hold onto power was not only to lie, cheat and steal but also to stir up a gang of thugs to try to intimidate the Congress into letting him retain power.
But that's not all.
When he couldn't hold on to power, he did everything he could to handicap the next administration and stole from the White House everything of value he thought he can get away with.

Dictator Don ran his business like a Mafia family.
No one but the Don had any real power.
The Don controlled his subordinates through intimidation.
The Don required everyone to believe unquestioningly any lie that came out of his mouth.

Dictator Don ran the White House like can absolute monarchy.
No one but the Dictator had any real power.
The Dictator controlled his subordinates through intimidation.
The Dictator required everyone to believe unquestioningly any lie that came out of his mouth.

And in both cases he was only in it for personal wealth and power.
When a business deal went bankrupt
he made sure that he got out of it with as much of a value as possible
and that his lenders and business associates were left holding the bag.
When he couldn't hold on to the White House any longer. He did exactly the same thing.

I've got to admit that Dictator Don is really really good at one thing.
He's a big fat, but very talented and successful con.
And in this case, when I say con I mean confidence artist.
He's good at telling lies and getting people to believe them.
And like any really talented confidence artist, he can even get people to pretend to themselves that they believe things they know are not really true.
Dictator Don is amazingly good at that.

But I think, at least I hope, that he has finally stretched out his con to far.
His lies are becoming ever more obvious and his behavior more bizarre.
It looks like his spell may be wearing off,
even though it is very difficult for people who have been conned to accept the fact that they were gullible.

Even the most successful confidence artist must know when to hold them and when to fold them.
And right now, he's in too deep to fold.

Let's convict the big fat Con of a at least few of his many crimes.
The term "con" can also mean convict.
Now it is time to put the big fat con where he belongs – – – in a small dark prison cell.

Dictator Don is NOT Above The Law

Related Topics: EnemiesDer DonMore Human Rights For More Human Beings

This guy actually believes that just because he was president for a few years, all of our country's secret documents belong to him.
They never did belong him.

The president is not a king.
He is an elected servant of the American people,
permitted to wield a certain amount of power
for a limited time
on our behalf.

And he isn't even president anymore.

Now, of course, he says the election was stolen. But his so-called evidence has not been able to stand up in court, and the arguments he is making are a total perversion of our Constitution.
And he knows that. If he didn't, he wouldn't have tried to take over our government by force in January 2021.
In this nation we believe that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their creator (not the supreme court) with certain unalienable rights.

In a land of sovereign citizens, anyone who, for any period of time, is permitted extra privileges over and above the equal rights of all human beings is accountable for their actions while possessing those privileges.
If he committed crimes while he was president, or even if he just refused to do the job we elected him to do, he must pay the price for his actions and his failures.
Ever since Richard Nixon got away with his crimes, we have had this thing upside down.
We the people are the boss.
Our president, at all elected officials, work for us.
Far from being above the law, they need to be held to a higher standard than average citizens.

And still this Don thinks he should be king.

We need to send a clear message in this election, and probably also in the one in 2024, that our elected officials work for us. We choose them in free and fair elections and we can kick them out anytime we want.
This government (and all of its documents and all of its powers) belongs to us.
And if they commit crimes or abuse the power which we have lent them they will pay a very severe price for violating our trust.

Now……you may not agree with what I've just said.
And, if you would prefer to live under a lying, cheating, kleptocratic dictatorship, vote for candidates who support the Don in October.

But if you are an American patriot who wants to keep the system that has brought the blessings of freedom and human rights to our citizens for the last 2 1/2 centuries
and keep finding ways to make it work better,
then please join me, and it do what ever is necessary – even if they try to stop you – to vote against anyone who supports the Don and his lies.

It’s About Restricting Human Rights

And it’s all Part Of Ronnie Rodeo’s Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution

It's not about defending the rights of a fetus, or anything else.
It's all about Restricting the Rights of Human Beings!
and not only women

So. Now if you are a woman your body doesn't even belong to you.

Are you all getting angry yet?

I have been screaming for 40 years about Ronnie Rodeo's Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution.
And about how he reversed course of American history,
reducing human rights and moving power and wealth to large corporations and aristocracies.

They already took away your right to a reasonably priced high-quality education.
They already took away your right to a minimum wage which can support a family on 40 hours a week.
They're working on taking way your right to vote.
---- And they're not going to stop!

Now some of you are going to say not all Republicans are bad.
Look at Susan Collins.
She was sure Der Don's nominees would never overturn Roe versus Wade.
Who the hell does she think she was kidding?
Or maybe she was kidding herself.
If so it's about time she up and quit that Rapepublican Party.

Now I don't know:
She may not really care about the right to bodily autonomy.
She may not even care about the right to vote,
if most people it's taken away from today are those who might not vote for her.

But let me tell you something:
unless her family somehow amasses billions in intergenerational wealth,
the Rapepublican Party which she empowers will make damn sure that her children and grandchildren have fewer human rights than she has enjoyed.
And that aught to make her angry.

Because no matter what she tries to believe;
This is not the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln,
or Dwight Eisenhower,
or even Nelson Rockefeller.

This is a revolutionary insurgency intentionally designed to reverse the course of American history.

And that ought to be enough to make any American angry.

You may feel safe if you still have the right to vote.
Or if you are able to own your own home.
Or if you still have access to affordable healthcare.
Or if you still believe that you will be able to provide a better life for your children and grandchildren.
But don't kid yourself!
They're going to take all of that away from you just like they have so many others.

It's time for all of us to get really angry.!

This country was built on the fundamental belief that we are all created with unalienable human rights.
They are trying to take away those rights.

This government was designed to be owned and operated by human beings.
Government of the people by the lawyers and lobbyists
for the corporations and aristocracies
is not what we are about.

So let's get angry!
And let's take action.

In spite of all their shenanigans, some of us are still allowed to vote.
The Rapepublicans have shown us clearly who they are.
We need to tell them we do not want what they are selling.

Counterrevolution now!

July 4, 2021

Celebrating the first post-plague Independence Day.

Related Videos: Full Text Of The Declaration; the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day; Why We Fight

It's the fourth of july 2021
Independence day.
So, of course, I'd like to talk for a few minutes about the ideas and ideals upon which our nation was founded.

A lot of folks these days carry around in their pockets copies of the United States Constitution…
It's a pretty short document. Fits easily in a pocket
But all that Constitution is is the structure we have chosen most recently on which to build our government.
We chose that structure after the first one didn't work.

The Constitution is simply a machine designed to implement the principles on what which this nation was built.
And those principles are stated clearly and simply in a much smaller document, the ratification of which we celebrate today.

And you don't need to carry around the whole document, most of it is just a list of grievances.
Everything you really need to know about who we are as people,
everything you need to know about the justification for our form of government
is in the second paragraph.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--
Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

And it then launches into an enumeration of the “abuses and usurpations”
That's all there is to it.

The reason that we, citizens of the United States, are no longer subjects of the divinely ordained monarch of England is that the King's government was not doing its job.

And any people living under a government which is not doing his job may get together as a group and choose to abolish that government.
Why? Because governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
Not from some compromise document written in a convention in 1787.

Certainly not because some people are born to rule over others.
The document states pretty clearly that all are created equal.

And that government's power derives from the consent of the governed. (the way we assure that is to hold free and fair elections)

And the government's only job is to secure the rights of the human beings which that government governs.

That's pretty simple. 
You don't have to carry a book around in your pocket to understand that is who we are.

But I'm glad we have this one day every year designated to celebrate that foundational document.
I just wish that every American would take a few minutes between the hotdogs and the fireworks to actually read at least the second paragraph.

Putin’s Puppet

What are the characteristics of a successful Czar or great President? Czar Vlad is the most successful Czar in Russian history. And a major element of his success has been his creation of the worst American President.

Related Topics: Der Don, Other Enemies

This time I'd like to talk about the special relationship between Czar Vlad, the most successful Czar in Russian history.
and Der Don, the worst American president ever.

Before I talk about the relationship between these two individuals, I'd like to outline what I see as the characteristics of a successful Russian Czar and those of a good United States president.

A Czar is the absolute ruler of the Empire.
I think a successful Czar would have these three characteristics:
1.  he or she would command absolute unquestioned authority.
2.  The Czar would make the Russian people proud.
3.   a successful Czar would make the Russian people feel safe.
Traditionally this feeling of safety has been best achieved by
    * maintaining a strong military
    * and defeating the enemies of the Empire.

A good president is going to be a very different kind of leader.
The job is to administer, in a fair and just manner, the laws passed by the democratically elected legislature.

Three things I think we look for in a good president are:
1.  to defend freedom and advance human rights.
A characteristic of most of our greatest presidents is that when they left office more Americans were able to exercise more human rights than when they were inaugurated.
2.   bring the American people together.
3.  to make the American people feel safe.
But not, as a Czar would, by military spending and the imperial wars.
The American people feel safest when
there is a strong economy with opportunity for all
and when the world is place in which democracies, ours and others, are safe and can thrive.

These are two very different jobs.
Czar Vlad is very well suited to his job. Der Don, not so much.

Did you notice that out of the three characteristics of a successful Czar and one of those of a good president the one strong similarity is that both are expected to make their people feel safe?

What better way for Czar Vlad to make his people feel safe than to embarrass their greatest enemy, which had defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War, by placing a Putin Puppet in the Presidency?

And since Der Don it is unfamiliar with democracy it was quite easy for Czar Vlad to coach him into behaving like a Czar.
1.  compromising American freedom, reducing human rights,
2.  dividing the American people,
2.  weakening our economy, and making the world much less safe for democracy.

Czar Vlad would make a terrible president of the United States, but I think he will go down in history as one of the greatest Russian Czar's.

And Der Don is without question the worst American president so far
and I hope there is never another like him.

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