A True American Patriot Fights Against Tyranny

Related Topics: Why We Fight; Ronnie Rodeo; Der Don; More Human Rights For More Human Beings

This time I am going to talk about patriotism.
Not flag waving jingoism, but true american patriotism.

“American patriot” was a term defined by the Revolutionary war. 
A war against tyranny. 

A war declared by Thomas Jefferson with these words
“all men are created equal, -- they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, -- 
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men”

And he declared that any government which became destructive of those rights was Tyranny, and needed to be removed.

An American patriot is a person who defies tyranny.

An American patriotic is a person who fights for government of the people by the people and for the people.

What an American patriot fights for is not a flag with Stars & Stripes. 
It is not an Imperial government which subjugates other countries. 
It is not a government controlled by corporations and aristocracies.

An American patriot fights against the tyranny of aristocracies and corporations. 
An American patriot fights for government which secures human rights 
and derives it's just powers from the consent of the governed.

Tyranny is once again abroad in the land. 
Patriots Arise, Counterrevolution Now!

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