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I hear a lot of people saying we don't live in a democracy we live in a republic. Well, that is just pettifoggering bullshit! We live now --- and we have lived for almost 2 1/2 centuries in a democratic republic. Yes, it is a republic. We have an organized government operating by rule of law. The citizens as a whole do not make and enforce all the laws. We have three branches of government designed to do that. That is a republic. But it is a democratic republic. We, the citizens, get to decide who will be a part of our government. And if we don't like what they are doing we get to replace them. That is democratic. Our form of government is both Democratic and Republican. It's a Democratic Republic. Now there are other kinds of republics. For the sake of simplicity let's refer to them as aristocratic republics. In an aristocratic republic, the structure can look pretty much the same. There is a government which creates, enforces, and interprets laws. And all citizens are required to follow those laws. The big difference is that in an aristocratic republic, average citizens have little or no voice in their government. The people who run the government are selected by a small group of human beings, or other entities, and only these aristocrats have any real political power. We the people of the United States of America have established a Democratic Republic which has worked pretty well for us. It is based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence: All human beings are created equal. They are endowed by their creator (not the Supreme Court) with unalienable human rights. Government's main job is to secure those human rights. And we the people can replace that government if we don't think it's doing its job. For most of our history both political parties have understood that a democratic republic is the best available form of government. And, although they have had some different ideas of how to achieve an ideal Democratic Republic, neither party has wanted to change our government into something else. The Democratic Party has never advocated changing our government to one which is not republican. The Republican Party has never before advocated changing our government to one which is not democratic. But slowly, over the last 40 years, the Republican Party has been taken over by people, corporations, and other entities who want to replace our Democratic Republic with an Aristocratic Republic. These Aristocratic Republicans don't like our form of government. They don't believe in the principles of the Declaration of Independence. They believe that we are inherently unequal. They do not believe in human rights, they believe and aristocratic privileges. They believe that governments main job is to keep the aristocracy in wealth and power. They believe that we the people should just shut up and do as we are told. Interestingly enough, they don't really agree amongst themselves on who the aristocracy should be, some of them think that large corporations and other economic entities should control the government. Some of them think that a small group of religious leaders should be telling us all what to do. Some of them think that only people who were born into wealthy families should have any rights and privileges. And some of them seem to actually believe that even a republic is a bad idea and we'd be better off with a dictatorship. But they are all united in one thing. They believe that the Declaration of Independence was wrong. They do not believe in unalienable human rights, and they do not believe that the government's job is to protect the rights and freedoms of individual human beings. They have been using propaganda, racism, xenophobia and a variety of corrupted institutions to get as many people as possible to vote for them in spite of their obviously anti-democratic agenda. And they have been so successful that they are now passing laws designed to keep people who don't buy into their propaganda from having their votes counted. We are in imminent danger of losing our Democratic Republican government. What will come next is hard to say. If they are victorious, this Aristocratic Republican Party will split up among advocates of various different aristocracies. And no one can predict which faction will ultimately grab power. But the one thing that will be certain at that point is that we the people will no longer have a voice in choosing who, or what, will be in charge. And that is what the Declaration of Independence called Tyranny. But there is a way out. We can save our Democratic Republic. First we need to vote out of office as many of these Aristocratic Republicans as we can. And what will happen as they lose power will not be a total victory for the Democrat Political Party and a one party state. That is not the way it works in a Democratic Republic. No. what will happen is that all the politicians who are left ---- those currently calling themselves “Republicans” and those currently calling themselves “Democrats” --- will coalesce into two political parties. They may be called Democrats and Republicans, they may be called Whigs and Federalists, or they may have totally different names. A juggling of political parties and even a reversing of their ideologies has happened before in our history. We have always ended up with two major parties advocating more or less different ideas on how to better govern our Democratic Republic. What has not happened before, and what we must not allow to succeed, is a political party going rogue and trying to overthrow our Democratic Republic. Until this Aristocratic Republican Party has been defeated, we all need to vote against them like our rights and freedoms and those of our children and grandchildren depend on it. Because they do.