And it’s all Part Of Ronnie Rodeo’s Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution
It's not about defending the rights of a fetus, or anything else. It's all about Restricting the Rights of Human Beings! and not only women So. Now if you are a woman your body doesn't even belong to you. Are you all getting angry yet? I have been screaming for 40 years about Ronnie Rodeo's Reactionary Rapepublican Revolution. And about how he reversed course of American history, reducing human rights and moving power and wealth to large corporations and aristocracies. They already took away your right to a reasonably priced high-quality education. They already took away your right to a minimum wage which can support a family on 40 hours a week. They're working on taking way your right to vote. ---- And they're not going to stop! Now some of you are going to say not all Republicans are bad. Look at Susan Collins. She was sure Der Don's nominees would never overturn Roe versus Wade. Who the hell does she think she was kidding? Or maybe she was kidding herself. If so it's about time she up and quit that Rapepublican Party. Now I don't know: She may not really care about the right to bodily autonomy. She may not even care about the right to vote, if most people it's taken away from today are those who might not vote for her. But let me tell you something: unless her family somehow amasses billions in intergenerational wealth, the Rapepublican Party which she empowers will make damn sure that her children and grandchildren have fewer human rights than she has enjoyed. And that aught to make her angry. Because no matter what she tries to believe; This is not the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, or Dwight Eisenhower, or even Nelson Rockefeller. This is a revolutionary insurgency intentionally designed to reverse the course of American history. And that ought to be enough to make any American angry. You may feel safe if you still have the right to vote. Or if you are able to own your own home. Or if you still have access to affordable healthcare. Or if you still believe that you will be able to provide a better life for your children and grandchildren. But don't kid yourself! They're going to take all of that away from you just like they have so many others. It's time for all of us to get really angry.! This country was built on the fundamental belief that we are all created with unalienable human rights. They are trying to take away those rights. This government was designed to be owned and operated by human beings. Government of the people by the lawyers and lobbyists for the corporations and aristocracies is not what we are about. So let's get angry! And let's take action. In spite of all their shenanigans, some of us are still allowed to vote. The Rapepublicans have shown us clearly who they are. We need to tell them we do not want what they are selling. Counterrevolution now!